Archive for April, 2013


April 25, 2013

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Blue of My Oblivion

April 25, 2013



April 24, 2013


Is the Sky Falling?

April 23, 2013

‘No, it’s just your ceiling.’

This is all that I can say:


Deja Vu Maxi Dress Two

April 11, 2013


Deja Vu Maxi Dress

April 7, 2013

Deja Vu Maxi Dress

In Response to This Charming MIssive:

April 6, 2013

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This was my response on the site itself, a response which was subsequently removed.  It seems that I have been censored by a couple of citizens of the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave and, of course, the First Amendment. That’s actually quite funny. In fact it’s downright hilarious. That Fred character must be awfully thin skinned (for a sock puppet that is). Maybe one of the pharmaceuticals have developed a drug capable of treating his condition.

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Circus Freak Show Morality

April 5, 2013

In response to a poster who contributed to this debate.

Good article – now we just need statues of Orwell and Churchill to be put outside the houses of parliament!

– RussN , London, 05/4/2013 10:16

Why Orwell?

Could we not have Kipling?

And I’m not sure we’ve had a proper Conservative Party for a number of decades.  Look at Margaret Thatcher’s voting record on ‘liberal’ issues.  Fiscally conservative, maybe but morally and socially Conservative? I think not.

Mick Philpott’s children were living in moral squalor and yet this country made him into some kind of circus freak show.  That should be the issue being discussed here, not how much they cost.

Bystander apathy on a national scale.

Murder Victims, You Brought This Upon Yourselves

April 5, 2013

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‘but what goes without saying should surely go unsaid.’ Well, indeed, Doctor. Do you ever think of applying these sagacious words to yourself?

From: The Salisbury Review:

And, as always, his valiant acolytes leap to his defence:

And the attack dogs are unleashed:

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Well, that was like being savaged by a dead sheep.